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A Bat, a Ball, and a Cause Cricket Match

The Annual Cricket Match benefitting Kerry’s Place Autism Services and Autism Ontario took place this week at the Toronto Cricket Skating and Curling Club. EmploymentWorks graduate Jonathan was in attendance to speak about his experience in the program. Jonathan was proud to share that he has been hired as a full-time Administrative Assistant at Kerry’s Place Head Office through Ready, Willing and Able (RWA). Kiarra Partington, Labour Market Facilitator, was in attendance on behalf of RWA to discuss the benefits of hiring inclusively, and connect with new employers. OMNI Television was present to cover the match, and spoke with Stephanie Bass, Manager of Services and Supports, about the supported employment offerings available at Kerry’s Place.

Funds raised for Kerry’s Place will be used to support job seekers through the Young Adults Project.

Thank you to Odgers Berndtson for planning the event, and for supporting job seekers with autism!