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Kerry’s Place Complaint/Feedback Form

Pursuant to SS 511 Policy on Complaints/Feedback Process, Kerry’s Place recognizes the right of each individual/family to provide their feedback in regards to decisions and actions carried out by our organization. Kerry’s Place encourages individuals/families to bring their questions and concerns forward so that they may be dealt with positively and appropriately.

“Complaint” is an expression of dissatisfaction related to the services and/or supports that are provided by a service agency. A complaint may be expressed by a person receiving services and supports from the service agency, or a person acting on their behalf, or by the general public, regarding the services and supports that are provided by the service agency.

“Feedback” may be positive or negative (including complaints) and is related to the services and/or supports that are provided by a service agency.

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What is your association to Kerry's Place?
Preferred method of contact
Please select the type of complaint/feedback to be addressed by Kerry’s Place
Have you contacted a Kerry's Place representative to respond to your complaint/feedback?