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Complaints Process

Complaint/Feedback Process

Pursuant to SS 511 Policy on Complaints/Feedback Process, Kerry’s Place recognizes the right of each individual/family to question decisions and actions carried out by our organization. Kerry’s Place encourages those to bring their questions and concerns forward so that they may be dealt with positively and appropriately.

The following process has been developed to allow individuals, guardians/caregivers a way in which to resolve issues and concerns in a fair and timely manner. Kerry’s Place strictly prohibits any form of reprisal, or retaliation, against staff, supported individuals and/or caregivers because they have in good faith raised issues or reported an incident inconsistent with our policies, procedures or organizational values. Kerry’s Place is committed to providing an environment where any concerns can be effectively raised and resolved, and will make every effort to ensure confidentiality with respect to this process to the extent possible.

Complaint Steps

The person(s) may at any stage use any of the methods detailed above to bring the complaint forward.  Persons providing feedback or making complaints have the responsibility to do so in a prudent and fair manner without threats, bullying or harassment and to follow the process as described.

Step 1:  Whenever there is complaint in any situation, the person(s) may bring the concern(s) to the appropriate manager for the area in which the complaint took place. The parties will investigate to gather any and all relevant facts and provide a response within five (5) working days. Any complaints deemed to be serious in nature will be addressed with a written response.

Step 2:  Should the person(s) bringing forth the inquiry not be satisfied with the response received from the manager, the complaint shall be reviewed with the director of the respective program (or region).  The director will follow up on the complaint and reply to the person having the complaint.  Should the person(s) bringing forth the complaint still not be satisfied with the response, the  complaint may be presented verbally or in writing, to the Vice President, addressing the reason(s) why they believe that  their complaint has not been resolved.  The Vice President will then investigate, take any corrective measures (if possible), and then reply (in writing if any complaints are deemed to be serious in nature) to the person bringing forth the concern. Kerry’s Place is committed to answer any complaints and will work collaboratively with the complainant to resolve the situation.

Step 3: If the person(s) bringing forth the complaint still feels dissatisfied, the person(s) may request that the compliant be forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer, who will review the matter with the Vice Presidents(if applicable), and work on a resolution with the complainant.

Although it is our ardent hope that most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly, we want to assure individuals and their families/caregivers that their concerns will be heard and addressed.

For more information or to submit a complaint/feedback inquiry, please email

Accessibility Complaints

Feedback on accessibility complaints may be given to any member of Kerry’s Place Management or the Human Resources Department. Please review the Accessibility section for more information.