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UPDATE! New Video with Ezekiel… Grade 8 boy with Autism receives award from the YRDSB!


Ezekiel is featured in Episode 12 of the Highlight Reel, a series produced by Special Olympics Canada. It was shot last Fall and recently released.

The series is meant to encourage people to stay active during the pandemic and to promote awareness of how Special Olympics can help foster a supportive community for special needs athletes and their families.


To learn more about Special Olympics Ontario and to connect with other athletes like Ezekiel, please click here.

A Grade 8 boy with Autism stands shoulder-to-shoulder with high-achieving neurotypical student council leaders from high school, receiving an award from the York Region District School Board.

Ezekiel Liu was one of the 2019 “Celebrating Student Success” award winners because of his achievement at the Special Olympics Provincial Winter Games and because of his contribution to his school community in promoting inclusion.

  • More information about this award can be found here.
    (Ezekiel’s video segment runs from 8:38 to 9:43.)

He has also received the YRDSB “Yes I Can” award for students with Exceptionalities as one of the winners in the Athletics category. He received the “Yes I Can” medal from Corrie McBain, Chair of the YRDSB Board of Trustees, and it is now displayed alongside his speed skating medals.

Ezekiel will be graduating on a high note next month with these awards. His parents are thankful for Kerry’s Place staff who have worked with him all these years, teaching him so many important skills which he continues to use today, skills that are important to him as a student and as an athlete. His mother offers this encouragement to the staff, “What you do makes a difference in the lives of the children you touch and we hope that amidst your most challenging days, you would remember our story and believe that with God, all things are possible!”