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Caregiver Mediated Early Years (York & Simcoe)

Our Caregiver-mediated Early Years programs are designed for families with young children aged 12 to 48 months who are registered in the Ontario Autism Program. These play-based, child-led programs are tailored to be developmentally appropriate and are available for up to six months per child.

These programs help families and caregivers learn effective therapeutic strategies and techniques from professionals and are customized to meet each child’s unique needs. The main goal is to enhance the ability of parents and caregivers to support their child’s development in key areas such as social interaction, play, communication, emotional growth, adaptive development, and self-help skills.

Children eligible for this program will receive invitations to register for Caregiver-Mediated Early Years Services from Access OAP. If your child is receiving core clinical services or has an active behavior plan, they will not be eligible for this program. Once you receive an invitation, you can register for the program.

Registering with our Intake Team is the first step to receiving services from Kerry’s Place.

Haven’t registered? Fill out our intake form to get started.

How to register

Register via the York Simcoe Autism Network.