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Consultation Services

Individualized, short-term support from our expert Autism Consultants. 

Our Consultation Services give Autistic individuals, families, and community partners access to Autism Consultants to assist with navigating resources and identified goals. 

Goals can include general Autism strategies, navigating community resources or the education system, respite or transitional-aged planning, and more. 

Consultation Service provides 1-hour appointments by phone, Zoom, or in-person at a Kerry’s Place Office or community-based location.

Please Note: Consultation Services is not clinical in nature, but can help you find qualified clinical providers.

The cost of Consultation Service is covered by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services for Autistic persons under the age of 18. Consultation Service is also covered for Autistic adults 18+ in the following regions: Dufferin, Wellington, Peel, Halton, Simcoe, York, Durham, Haliburton, Kawartha Lakes, Pine Ridge, Northumberland and Prince Edward County/Hastings. Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing Consultation Services out of region. 

To book a Consultation appointment, please contact Toll Free: 1-833-77-KERRY (1-833-775-3779) or email intake@kerrysplace.org

Registering with our Intake Team is the first step to receiving services from Kerry’s Place.

Haven’t registered? Fill out our intake form to get started.

How to register

Call Toll Free: 1-833-77-KERRY (1-833-775-3779) or email intake@kerrysplace.org.