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Entry to School (York)

Get ready for your first day at school!

Our Entry to School program prepares children for their first time in Kindergarten or Grade 1 by developing essential school-readiness skills. This six-month program provides a half-day group session where children learn through fun and engaging activities focused on six key areas:

  • Communication: Learn to have conversations, express wants and needs, understand language, and use non-verbal cues.
  • Play: Explore toys and participate in group games.
  • Social Interaction: Understand how to interact with peers and learn new behaviours.
  • Functional Routines: Follow classroom routines and learn self-help skills like dressing.
  • Behavioural Self-Management: Manage emotions and learn to take turns.
  • Pre-academics and Attention: Build new learning skills, work in groups, and do independent work.

Note: Families must be invited through the Ontario Autism Program to participate in this program. Invitations will come through email, mail or the AcessOAP’s family portal. You must register with the service provider listed in your invitation. Please contact the service provider listed in your invitation to ask questions or register.

For more details, visit

Registering with our Intake Team is the first step to receiving services from Kerry’s Place.

Haven’t registered? Fill out our intake form to get started.

How to register

Review registration information form the York Simcoe Autism Network.