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Home Safety

Stay safe while staying home alone!

This group program is for Autistic youth and teens ages 10-14 who want to grow their independence and safety. Participants will learn the life and decision-making skills that can empower them to feel safe while being independent.

Topics include:

  • Street smarts
  • People safety
  • Community safety
  • Online safety
  • Fire safety
  • Accident prevention and first aid
  • Weather safety
  • Emergencies versus non-emergencies

All participants will get the Home Alone Safety manual and earn a certificate of completion. This group is delivered in partnership between Kerry’s Place Autism Services and SophiaSafety.
Note: Kerry’s Place will schedule sample sessions for all enrolled participants. Sample sessions help us determine the best match for each participant based on the recommended support ratio and if the program curriculum fits their needs.

Registering with our Intake Team is the first step to receiving services from Kerry’s Place.

Haven’t registered? Fill out our intake form to get started.

How to register

Find active sessions on My Community Hub.