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Stories to light up your holiday season!

As the New Year approaches us with hope and a brighter future, we are taking a moment to look back at how far we’ve come. Throughout the year, our supported individuals have redefined success for themselves, living moments that have made us all proud. Today, we share some of these big and small moments as a kudos to their resilience and determination and also as a big thank you to everyone who supports our mission. Thank you to the outstanding Kerry’s Place team, generous donors, families, and caregivers – you’re all Champions!

Here are some heartwarming stories of dreams turning into possibilities

Say HI to David!

David is part of our group-supported living program and has been incredibly successful with our model of living. He enjoys being with his friends, adores his Autism Support Associate, and is travelling and making wonderful memories. David was able to travel to New Brunswick this summer to visit his family and have the time of his life.

Say HI to Daniel!

He participated in our Young Adults Program and was successfully hired for an administrative assistant role at Canada’s Wonderland. With the initial help of his job coach and his dedication, Daniel now confidently completes all his tasks without his coach’s support.

Say HI to JE!

JE wanted to try his hands at beekeeping and got started with just a couple of hives in the backyard. What started as a mere attempt to explore a hobby quickly turned into a work of passion. JE was able to expand and maintain his hives throughout the year, turning his hard work into 24 jars of honey, accompanied by his sweet happy smile.

Say HI to Kelley!

Her ultimate dream was to fly in the Toronto skies. Following all necessary protocols, our team worked closely with her to make her long-life dream
a reality.

Say HI to our summer camp champs!

Throughout summer break, our camp participants engaged in fun activities and meaningful community engagement through field trips to the Toronto Zoo, Lego Land, Ontario Science Center, and more!

And just like that, every day, little dreams and goals come true here at Kerry’s Place.

Want to help turn dreams into possibilities at Kerry’s Place?

Volunteer, Join Us, Donate Now, or simply follow us on our social media to show your support.