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The Social Information Processing & Mental Health in Autism Study

We invite you to participate in a research study conducted by the Autism, Stress, and Anxiety Program (ASAP Lab) at the University of British Columbia (UBC). This study aims to understand how the ability to make sense of others’ thoughts, feelings, and intentions (i.e., perspective-taking) relates to mental health and social well-being among autistic young adults.

Procedures: The study involves three phases:

  1. Online Screening (5-10 minutes):
    • You will sign up for the study and complete an initial screening questionnaire online, at a location of your choosing.
    • If you are eligible to participate in the study, the research team will contact you to schedule your Part 2 visit and send you instructions to complete Part 1.
  2. Qualtrics Phase (Part 1, 30-45 minutes):
    • One week prior to the study session (Part 2), you will receive an email with a set of Qualtrics forms, including a consent form, to complete online.
  3. Study Session (Part 2, 2-3 hours):
    • The third phase involves a study session that can be completed either in-person at the ASAP Lab in the UBC Douglas T. Kenny Building (duration: 3 hours) or remotely via Zoom (duration: 2 hours).

Voluntary Participation: Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You may choose to withdraw from the study at any time without any consequences.

Compensation: Participants will be compensated $15 per hour for their time via an Amazon gift card. Additionally, participants attending the in-person session will be reimbursed for parking fees.

Confidentiality: All information collected during this study will be kept confidential and used solely for research purposes. Your identity will not be revealed in any publications or presentations resulting from this study.

Thank you for your help.