Search all Services and Supports
- Group, Virtual
- Autistic Children / Youth 14-17, Supported Persons with Autism 14-17
- Ontario-Wide
- Group, Virtual
- Caregivers of Autistic People
- Dufferin County, Durham, Haliburton, Kawartha and Pine Ridge (HKPR), Halton, Northumberland County, Peel Region, Prince Edward/Hastings County, Simcoe, Toronto, Wellington, York
- Group, In-Person
- Autistic Children 5-9
- Durham, Halton, Peel Region, Toronto, Wellington
- In-Person, Individual (1:1)
- Autistic Children/Youth up to the age of 17
- Toronto
- In-Person, Individual (1:1)
- Autistic Children/Youth up to the age of 17
- Simcoe, York
- In-Person & Virtual, Individual (1:1)
- Autistic Children 12-48 Months and Caregivers
- Toronto
- In-Person & Virtual, Individual (1:1)
- Autistic Children 12-48 Months and Caregivers
- Simcoe, York
- In-Person & Virtual, Individual (1:1)
- Autistic Children up to Age 18 (Age 21 if CSP and Still in School)
- Peel Region
- Group, In-Person & Virtual, Individual (1:1)
- Autistic Adults 18+
- Dufferin County, Durham, Halton, Peel Region, Wellington, York
- Group, In-Person & Virtual
- Autistic Adults 18+, Caregivers of Autistic People
- Dufferin County, Durham, Haliburton, Kawartha and Pine Ridge (HKPR), Halton, Hastings, Northumberland County, Peel Region, Simcoe, Toronto, Wellington, York
- In-Person
- Autistic Adults 18+
- Dufferin County, Halton, Kitchener-Waterloo, Peel Region, Wellington
- In-Person
- Autistic Children/Youth up to the age of 17
- Dufferin County, Halton, Peel Region, Wellington
- In-Person, Individual (1:1)
- Autistic Persons 16+ with a Dual Diagnosis
- Peel Region
- In-Person, Individual (1:1)
- Autistic Adults 18+
- Dufferin County, Hastings, Peel Region, Toronto
- Individual (1:1), Virtual
- Supported Persons and Parents / Caregivers
- Dufferin County, Halton, Kitchener-Waterloo, Peel Region, Simcoe, Toronto, Wellington, York
- Group, In-Person
- Autistic Children / Youth 14-17
- Durham, Halton, Peel Region, Toronto, Wellington
- Group, In-Person
- Autistic Children/Youth 5-17
- Durham, Halton, Peel Region, Toronto, Wellington
- Group, In-Person
- Autistic Children/Youth 6-17
- Belleville, Durham, Halton, Peel Region, Toronto, Wellington
- Group, In-Person
- Autistic Children/Youth 10-17
- Durham, Halton, Peel Region, Toronto, Wellington
- Group, In-Person
- Autistic Children / Youth 14-17
- Durham, Halton, Peel Region, Toronto, Wellington
- Group, In-Person
- Autistic Children 4-6
- Durham, Halton, Peel Region, Toronto, Wellington
- Group, In-Person
- Autistic Children / Youth 14-17
- Durham, Halton, Peel Region, Toronto, Wellington
- Group, In-Person & Virtual
- Supported Persons with Autism 14-17
- Dufferin County, Halton, Kitchener-Waterloo, Peel Region, Simcoe, Toronto, Wellington, York
- Group, In-Person & Virtual
- Supported Persons with Autism 12-17
- Dufferin County, Halton, Kitchener-Waterloo, Peel Region, Simcoe, Toronto, Wellington, York
- Group, In-Person & Virtual
- Supported Persons with Autism 7-17
- Dufferin County, Halton, Kitchener-Waterloo, Peel Region, Simcoe, Toronto, Wellington, York
- Group, In-Person & Virtual
- Supported Persons with Autism 14-17
- Dufferin County, Halton, Kitchener-Waterloo, Peel Region, Simcoe, Toronto, Wellington, York
- Group, In-Person & Virtual
- Supported Persons with Autism 4-17
- Dufferin County, Halton, Kitchener-Waterloo, Peel Region, Simcoe, Toronto, Wellington, Woodbridge, York
- In-Person & Virtual, Workshop
- Professionals, Professionals 18+
- Canada-Wide, Ontario-Wide
- In-Person & Virtual, Individual (1:1)
- Autistic Children and Youth, Caregivers of Autistic People, Supported Persons (All Ages), Supported Persons and Parents / Caregivers
- Dufferin County, Halton, Kitchener-Waterloo, Peel Region, Simcoe, Toronto, Wellington, York
- In-Person & Virtual, Individual (1:1)
- Autistic Adults 18+
- Dufferin County, Durham, Haliburton, Kawartha and Pine Ridge (HKPR), Halton, Hastings, Kitchener-Waterloo, Northumberland County, Peel Region, Simcoe, Toronto, Wellington, York
- Group, In-Person & Virtual
- Autistic Youth & Adults
- Durham, Peel Region, Toronto, York
- Group, In-Person & Virtual, Individual (1:1)
- Autistic Adults 18+
- Dufferin County, Durham, Haliburton, Kawartha and Pine Ridge (HKPR), Halton, Hastings, Kitchener-Waterloo, Northumberland County, Peel Region, Simcoe, Toronto, Wellington, York